
Ernestine Mukagihana is a driver with ONATRACOM, a public transport company. She started working with the company in 2008.

Thursday, January 05, 2012
Ernestine Mukagihana, Bus driver.

Ernestine Mukagihana is a driver with ONATRACOM, a public transport company. She started working with the company in 2008.

She is married with eight children and took the initiative of working two jobs; one at the studio that she and her husband started running in 2004 and as a bus driver.

"Being a mother, a wife and a driver is not easy but my good relationship with my husband keeps me going,” she says.

Mukagihana uses the one day off she gets weekly to check on what is not going well at home. She also checks on her children every night before she goes to bed.

"With God everything is possible. I thank God for the husband that He gave me and mostly because he has shown support in everything that, I do. My colleagues are also my inspiration,” says Mukagihana.

"People who think some jobs are only suited for a specific gender are wrong. That is a myth; if you have the skills, go for the job of your dreams,” she says.
