Editorial: Here comes 2012!

Next week is 2012 and I believe that for children to have fun and enjoy every single day of their lives, involves having good morals and a good character but most importantly making the right choices.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Next week is 2012 and I believe that for children to have fun and enjoy every single day of their lives, involves having good morals and a good character but most importantly making the right choices.

I say this because, if you are badly behaved and make wrong choices, no one will want to be around you. If no one wants to be around you, then you cannot help others. If you cannot influence and help others, then you cannot enjoy your life.

In other words, children who learn to make the right choices are the ones who have the most fun in life. You can choose good friends who can teach you new ways of living your life at home and at school. Even better is when you listen to your parents and teachers and never get into trouble.

We talk about resolutions in this issue of The Children’s Times, because we want every child to discover different ways of spending their time in a way that will help them personally and those around them. This starts from the smallest things like greeting others to big things like working together and helping one another.

This year make a promise to enjoy your life as you start your journey through 2012.