Why you must not lie

Besides breaking God’s commandment, teenagers who lie hurt themselves and their loved ones. Parents who are lied to can feel hurt because these gross lies take advantage of their trust; they feel angry because of being deliberately misled, and can feel frightened because now they don’t know what to believe and so feel out of control. Liars can feel guilty about their lies too.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Besides breaking God’s commandment, teenagers who lie hurt themselves and their loved ones. Parents who are lied to can feel hurt because these gross lies take advantage of their trust; they feel angry because of being deliberately misled, and can feel frightened because now they don’t know what to believe and so feel out of control. Liars can feel guilty about their lies too.

People who lie  also live in fear, they mostly wonder and worry whether the deception they created will hold up or come crashing down around them if they are caught. So this makes them  live in fear of being caught. Another thing you must know is, when you start lying, it becomes harder to stop, because when you tell a lie, you will soon need to tell another lie to cover the first one and pretty soon you lose track of all the lies you have told. You find it harder and harder to keep your story straight.

The terrible habit of lying can also turn you into a lonely person. To avoid questions and to keep from being found out, liars distance themselves from those they have lied to. They become isolated from the family and friends they have deliberately misled.

If you are determined to stop laying this coming New Year, this is what you should do.

Admit that you have a big problem with lying. The first step in overcoming dishonesty is to admit that you are a liar. As long as you are in denial or not confronting the situation, you will not stop lying. The longer you continue the deception the more likely it is to become a habit and the harder it is to break.

Make yourself accountable to someone. Whenever you keep something a secret, the harder it is to overcome. Find a friend, a family member or your pastor to talk to and they can encourage you to tell the truth.

Think about the consequences. One lie usually leads to another bigger lie, until you’ve woven yourself into a web of deceit and a great deal of stress. Moreover, your lies will eventually be exposed. Lying causes you to lose people’s trust and this can cause you to lose friends.

Confess when you lie and apologize. By forcing yourself to admit that, you have done something wrong, you are taking the first step in breaking the habit. Each time you confess and apologize to the person you lied to, is a reminder that what you are doing is wrong and there are consequences to lying.

Keep a diary and write down your feelings and what happened that day. On the days you lie put that in your journal, then go back to determine your reasons for lying. By figuring out what causes you to lie in the first place, you can begin to change your behavior and thoughts to prevent lying.

Avoid situations that might tempt or cause you to lie. Change friends if they are constantly lying because this is going to make it easier for you to justify doing it also.
