Big turn up for National Identity card registration

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE — Thousands of residents in the Southern Province turned up for national identy card registration as registration took another course.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


HUYE — Thousands of residents in the Southern Province turned up for national identy card registration as registration took another course.

Residents who turned up very early in the morning on Saturday were required to produce documents of Umuganda cards, Mutuelle de Sante cards, and Gacaca attendance cards.

The mentioned cards were not officially required for the registration.

Residents complained about some irregularities by local leader that signified the registration.

One, Patrick Hakizimana, a resident of Huye town said: "some local leaders did not understand the requirement for a resident to register; they demanded unnecessary documents.” Addressing the press, the Governor of Southern Province, Fidel Ndayisaba confessed that some leaders practiced irregularities during the registration.

He however added that the registrars were well briefed before the activity began.

 "We have heard of irregularity cases involving corruption and registrars asking for unnecessary documents.

 Whoever was involved in any malpractice would face legal charges,” said Ndayisaba.ENDS