Rachel’s Ramblings:The ‘reach his heart via his stomach’ cliché

Men love eating. Ask anyone who knows anything about them and they will vigorously confirm that. So it should come as no surprise that most men in the world love a woman who can cook. But it’s not just a matter of shoving anything their way. You know, nothing that is going to leave his taste buds miserable or his stomach pulling an Usain Bolt.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Men love eating. Ask anyone who knows anything about them and they will vigorously confirm that.

So it should come as no surprise that most men in the world love a woman who can cook. But it’s not just a matter of shoving anything their way. You know, nothing that is going to leave his taste buds miserable or his stomach pulling an Usain Bolt.

So, why the obsession with women who can cook? Is it because men like to eat? Is it because the cliché that says ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ is true? Or is it because women who can cook remind them of their mums? I guess that with men there is just something so attractive or appealing about a woman who can cook everything his stomach yearns for.

Does this mean that women who can’t cook to save their lives are doomed? I don’t think so. It’s only a substance of taking matters into your own hands, changing the direction of fate. But then most men can’t cook either. I actually find it somewhat phony to demand something from someone that you cannot actually do yourself. Because let’s face it, so many men can’t cook!

It’s as if women were born to be in the kitchen and that is not the case. Anyone who wants to argue about that can wait because now is not the time. I wholeheartedly believe that you should never make your spouse (or potential spouse) live up to any expectation that you don’t. Having said that, both men and women, if you don’t know how to cook, learn!

Why do some men think that a woman’s sole purpose is to be some kind of domestic goddess or the next Stepford wife? Let’s be honest for one second. Women who work just as much as men might have the skills to cook but are equally tired when they get back home—usually the maid (if there is one) does it or else, it’s good old pizza time. Some stay-at-home mums claim to be too busy with the kids to be bothered with other chores. Call them excuses but until they cook and everything falls apart we have no reason to judge.

Then we have the super mums. The ones who have everything in the right place at the right time in the right way. (Probably they pop an occasional pill to keep them going!) Some women really do try to be the perfect wife and mother even if the strain is killing them. So instead of men throwing off their shoes and waiting for an already secretly agitated woman to start dinner, it would be nice for a guy to come back home and offer to make dinner for a change. After all, we are all equal!

It shouldn’t be about who is better at doing what. As a couple, doing stuff together makes the bond stronger. If one can’t cook, get a cook book and try out new recipes with each other. You’ll be amazed at how much fun it can be. People should really quit it with the boring cliché that ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.’
