Rwandans mad with soccer

Dear editor, If there is someone who has lived with a general misconception for long and was later disillusioned recently, is me. I never could imagine that Rwandans were soccer mad to the extent that they do not even sleep.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Dear editor,

If there is someone who has lived with a general misconception for long and was later disillusioned recently, is me. I never could imagine that Rwandans were soccer mad to the extent that they do not even sleep.

It was yesterday when I discovered that some people have been sleeping out side their homes in bars, hotels and other public places, watching soccer. They shout the whole night and argue vehemently on soccer issues and actually end up exchanging blows. And guess what, they watch the European soccer and more particularly the English one. Do not mention the local one.

You would imagine that they belong to that part of the world. Anyway, I was amazed and I hope it helps people who spend most their time in drinking and doing some other bad things.

It would on the other hand be disastrous if the foot ball fans follow soccer and at the same time drink alcohol, for they cannot be able to concentrate on the two at the same time.

In any case, the rays from the screen and the effect of alcohol on eyes coupled together, can be disastrous.

