Let’s support Gender Ministry in arresting violence against children

Editor, Allow me through your esteemed newspaper to add my voice to concerns over the rights of our children. Indeed, if you visit some homes in Kigali and other cities, you will find many children working as house helps.

Friday, December 02, 2011


Allow me through your esteemed newspaper to add my voice to concerns over the rights of our children. Indeed, if you visit some homes in Kigali and other cities, you will find many children working as house helps.

Law N° 27/2001 of April, 28, 2001, relating to the rights and protection of the child against violence under Article 22 states that, "necessary administrative, legal measures and those concerning social welfare and education must be taken in order to reinforce protection of the child against any kind of violence, psychological or physical brutality, abandonment, neglect, mistreatment, or exploitation.”

This law must be respected. Its enforcement should not solely be left to the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF). It is the responsibility of every Rwandan to break the silence and speak out against any form of violence against our children.

Justus Kanamugire
