Improve working conditions for employees

Editor, The confederation of trade unions in the country, Centrale des Syndicats des Travailleurs du Rwanda (CESTRAR) needs to sensitize employers, both from public and private sectors, on the importance of treating workers decently.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


The confederation of trade unions in the country, Centrale des Syndicats des Travailleurs du Rwanda (CESTRAR) needs to sensitize employers, both from public and private sectors, on the importance of treating workers decently.

When employees are not treated well, they can’t perform optimally. That means that the output will always fall way below the targets, thus undermining the overall mission of the institutions they work for. In the end, the employers will lose as well.

Some employees are subjected to injustice at the hands of their bully and selfish bosses. Many have been repeatedly harassed at work, fired unjustly or forced to work extra hours without any compensation. It’s high time such a situation is put under control.

Eugene Bucyensenge