Expose those shielding criminals

Editor, Reports that cases of assault and rape are on the rise in Nyagatare District is an unfortunate situation. I think one of the causes of such cases is the fact some offenders are protected by those supposed to discipline them.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Reports that cases of assault and rape are on the rise in Nyagatare District is an unfortunate situation. I think one of the causes of such cases is the fact some offenders are protected by those supposed to discipline them.

Rape cases could only end if all residents stand firm and ruthlessly expose the culprits. In some cases, the offenders are relatives to the victims. However, we cannot fight injustice without fighting those practising it.

Whether relatives or senior members of our society, let us be open and expose them. This, I believe is one of the best ways to end crime.
Damien Ruzindana