Make a difference:Say no to drugs and alcohol

Recently I asked my teen friend why she started drinking and she said, “Because of the people I hang out with.”  In order to fit in, this sixteen-year-old boy began drinking alcohol despite what her parents had taught her. Did you know that alcohol is a drug? Specifically, alcohol is a depressant and it slows body function, coordination, and the ability to think and react normally.

Monday, November 14, 2011
Teens should be wary of house parties where drinks are spiked with alcohol.

Recently I asked my teen friend why she started drinking and she said, "Because of the people I hang out with.”

In order to fit in, this sixteen-year-old boy began drinking alcohol despite what her parents had taught her.

Did you know that alcohol is a drug? Specifically, alcohol is a depressant and it slows body function, coordination, and the ability to think and react normally.

Those who are close to or are keen drinkers will know that alcohol affects judgment and lowers inhibitions. Today, teens that engulfed in binge drinking do things they would not ordinarily do. Drunken behaviour has several repercussions. These range from becoming emotionally upset, violence, and participating in unplanned sexual activity, which is in most cases, unsafe.

Additionally, drinking large amounts of alcohol over a short period could cause sudden death from alcohol poisoning, which stops oxygen to the brain.

Drinking alcohol will not teach any individual responsibility; it only makes consumers crave for more.

At this development stage, teens are not yet emotionally mature to make good decisions regarding alcohol. In addition, that is why at age 18, they can be sent off to war by law, but are still not allowed to consume alcohol until they are 21years.


Beware that alcohol is an addictive drug that induces the brain to crave it. Its cravings can be very damaging to the body as well as to the relationships of the person suffering from alcoholism. It also affects a student’s performance at school. You will usually miss class due to hangovers and blackouts.


Do you have the desire to resist alcohol? If no, avoid the company of binge drinkers, even if they are your friends.

There are several outdoor activities that are healthy and can in the end, improve your general well-being. A case in point is, exercising, getting involved in a sport, joining a positive youth group, reading non-academic books and getting creative.

If you have friends who abuse alcohol or drugs, it is better to talk them out of it, but if they do not listen, avoid them and live a productive life.

Make a difference and say no to drugs and alcohol.