Healthy Woman: Women say breast palpation is vital to curb breast cancer

“Nothing can be done to stop breast cancer but the only thing that can be done is for women to go for several check-ups and regularly self-examine their breasts.”Ruth Njoroge.“Women are at a high risk of getting breast cancer so it’s good to go for check up at least after every six months so that you can be aware of your health status.”Speciose Kantengwa.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
L-R:Ruth Njoroge;Speciose Kantengwa;Immaculate Kanyana;Solange Zawadi

"Nothing can be done to stop breast cancer but the only thing that can be done is for women to go for several check-ups and regularly self-examine their breasts.”

Ruth Njoroge.

"Women are at a high risk of getting breast cancer so it’s good to go for check up at least after every six months so that you can be aware of your health status.”

Speciose Kantengwa.

"I personally know how to examine myself. However, there should be several specialists who teach women to examine their breasts; this would prevent unnecessary death resulting from breast cancer and there would be less victims of the disease.”

Immaculate Kanyana.

"I know how to examine myself but there are several women who are inexperienced as regards this procedure. It would be great if sensitisation campaigns are put in place in order to save many mothers.”

Solange Zawadi.