Educate students on dangers of drug abuse

Editor,  Our youth do not know the dangers of drug abuse and at times consume it to pass time. The Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) has done well to form anti-drug abuse clubs which help to sensitise students on the dangers of the vice.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Our youth do not know the dangers of drug abuse and at times consume it to pass time. The Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) has done well to form anti-drug abuse clubs which help to sensitise students on the dangers of the vice.

Our institutions of higher learning as well as secondary and primary schools ought to follow suit to enable our children to take heed. Although there are no serious cases of drug abuse in our schools, we should not sit back and relax. As the English axiom goes, ‘‘prevention is better that cure.’’

There is no effective way to fight harmful drugs in schools than to sensitise students about the vice. Teachers, in collaboration with parents, should thus inculcate morals into children from a tender age.

John Mukulu