Tell Chaka

Wednesday October, 5th, 2011 was International Teacher’s Day.I spoke to a few children to know if they knew about teachers day.What is the importance of teachers in our lives? I asked.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Wednesday October, 5th, 2011 was International Teacher’s Day. I spoke to a few children to know if they knew about teachers day.

What is the importance of teachers in our lives? I asked.

One girl called, Patience Keza had this to say:

"Teachers show us how to get jobs, they teach us good manners, how to obey God and our parents. In Social Studies we learn about our country. 

Even though my dream is to become a pastor in the future, I still need to pass through the hands of a teacher.”

Bella Mugwiza, the pleasant head girl of Alpha Community Academy said that, teachers shape children into their future dreams.

"I want to become a doctor when I grow up, but I think it will be the role of the teachers to train me so that I become one.”

These children’s comments about teachers are absolutely genuine and brilliant.

Teachers do a great job in our lives, in fact there’s no gift you can ever have better than a teacher’s guidance through school.

Teachers are the compass of our destiny. They are our eyes and feet into to the future. Imagine a world without teachers!

Dear teachers, may the Good Lord give you strength, favour, goodness and mercy all the days of your lives.

And to all children, teachers are our wealth; let us respect them and what they instruct us to do, for this is the only gift we can ever give our teachers.
