Healthy Living: Tips for men to stay healthy

It has never been easy to take any man to the hospital to see a doctor when they are sick-let alone going for medical check up. Some will wait until when they feel that they are almost going to meet their maker before they can admit that they are very sick and agree to see a doctor.When it comes to health care, men are like ostriches. They bury their heads in the sand. They are much less likely than us women, who visit our doctors regularly, take symptoms seriously and live a healthful lifestyle. Maybe that’s one reason why women have a seven-year average survival advantage over men.

Friday, October 07, 2011
Processed foods can have unhealthy effects

It has never been easy to take any man to the hospital to see a doctor when they are sick-let alone going for medical check up. Some will wait until when they feel that they are almost going to meet their maker before they can admit that they are very sick and agree to see a doctor.
When it comes to health care, men are like ostriches. They bury their heads in the sand. They are much less likely than us women, who visit our doctors regularly, take symptoms seriously and live a healthful lifestyle. Maybe that’s one reason why women have a seven-year average survival advantage over men.

For sometime now women have become pro-active about their health, and in a funny way men have now taken a back seat. Well it does not matter the age you are in, time is nigh to take care of yourself. I managed to put a few basic steps to help our men stay fit all times and age.

Processed foods, fatty foods and prostate cancer

First and foremost, processed foods should be eliminated from men’s diet. Processed foods are not only devoid of vitamins and minerals, but they have also been striped of their natural fibre. Instead one should eat fibre-rich fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. .
Deep-fried foods and anything made with hydrogenated oils should be avoided. Instead foods should be prepared with olive oil, and also food like salmon fish and any other fish from cold water should be eaten in plenty because they contain omega 3 oils, and protect against heart disease.
Saturated and trans-fats, also fuel prostate cancer growth, instead incorporate protective foods, such as soy, green tea and tomatoes, into your diet. Soy contains isoflavones with specific anti-cancer activity. Green tea is rich in polyphenols that inhibit the formation of cancer-causing compounds and block the growth of prostate cancer cells. And tomatoes, particularly cooked tomato products, are an excellent source of lycopene, which is linked to a reduc
ed risk of prostate cancer. In addition, make sure your daily nutritional supplement contains high doses of the antioxidant selenium and vitamin E, which have been shown to dramatically lower the risk of prostate cancer.

Sports and exercise to maintain weight

No matter how much we try to eat healthy foods, sports and exercise cannot be ignored. Studies have shown that most men die of heart related diseases. Therefore exercise like aerobics for men is recommended for cardiovascular. For those who claim to be busy, should try to walk at least thrice a week; and maybe instead of taking the lift every morning, they should try and take the stairs. This will ensure that at least your optimal weight is maintained. Being overweight comes with a baggage of being hypertensive and diabetic-so adding of weight should be avoided at all cost.


Too much of anything is poisonous – this should be taken in moderation. Men who do not consume alcohol always look younger than most men their age. A glass of wine, a beer or two should do the trick and nothing more. Remember that a glass of wine can help one not to suffer from heart ailments-but one too many can lead to poor health.

Relationship, sex and prayers

Some men can be as far from their families as possible when it comes to family ties. Others think it is unmanly to be lovey dovey, but it has been established that men who are close to their families are healthy men. Also without forgetting sex, this is an important part in the life of the married couples, a couple who enjoy sex frequently are said to be always happy and healthy because the blood always seems to be pumping towards the right direction! All these things are not possible without saying a word or two in form of a prayer every single day of your life, because nothing is possible without God, be prayerful and experience the peace you need inside you for a healthy life.
Last but not least remember what Julius Ceasar said, if you want to be happy and live a long life, surround yourself with fat men, keep a fat friend near you and live your life’s worth!