Be creative and make your books a part of your decor

I have always thought I was a books fanatic until I met a person who is more than a fanatic.I have known people to have collections of books and never letting go, including myself- but I have never known that a person can love their books so much that they decide to incorporate them into their house décor because they have nowhere else to put them, yet they do not want to let go of them.

Friday, September 30, 2011

I have always thought I was a books fanatic until I met a person who is more than a fanatic.

I have known people to have collections of books and never letting go, including myself- but I have never known that a person can love their books so much that they decide to incorporate them into their house décor because they have nowhere else to put them, yet they do not want to let go of them.

Have you ever had so many books that you dint know what to do with them? Welcome to the world of book décor.

I recently met a new friend and as we were chatting, we hit on the books, this being my favourite subject.

After chatting for a while – he startled me when he invited me to his house to look at the collection of his books. I took the chance and visited the house and was perplexed, to say the least, when I entered this home.

I have never seen in my life books arranged in a manner that they enhance the décor of a place – in this case it was a home.

The first case scenario that I came across was of books being arranged in a manner to suggest that they can act as a side table was in this particular house.

The larger books were placed at the bottom to create a steady base and then smaller books were built going upwards according to the size and up to the desired height.

The owner of this home arranged his books wide enough to hold a vase of flowers and two small picture frames.

This I realised that even a lamp shade could be placed on this side table made of books to further enhance the décor of the home.

In the middle of the living room there was a coffee table also made of books. This time round, my friend created four piles in a square shape, and as usual started with the larger books going upwards to the smallest.

Then a piece of fibre glass was placed on top of the books to create a complete look of a coffee table, with a piece of white swan as a centrepiece.

Going down the hallway, different books of different sizes were intricately placed on the walls of this home. They looked very beautiful-I also realised that they can be picked at any time to be read, if need be, because they were not permanently stuck on the wall.

Going up the staircase different books were displayed all the way to the top of the staircase. I was also informed that he does not let the books stay in one place for a very long time; that means the books keep on rotating to slow down the wear and tear process.

Going to the home office, there was a wall cabinet that had assorted books depending on their genre.

Another wall of this home office was placed with books from the top to the bottom to create a feeling of another wall; this is a show stopper.

Now that you know books can also enhance your home décor, start your collection today and create a home that will leave your visitors in awe.