Why animals shouldn’t be caged

Some people think because animals cannot talk they do not have rights. Why lock up animals as if they too don’t want to enjoy nature? When we go to forests and wherever else most of them dwell, we don’t see them locking us up, do we?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Some people think because animals cannot talk they do not have rights. Why lock up animals as if they too don’t want to enjoy nature?

When we go to forests and wherever else most of them dwell, we don’t see them locking us up, do we?

Or let me put it this way, if you were an animal, how would you feel if you where in a cage living your life with the sole purpose of getting stared at all day, or be treated like an object to be used for the convenience of others.

It is only okay to lock up animals if you can justify it with a very good excuse. Rwanda at the moment doesn’t have a zoo and I think it should be kept that way.

Most zoos are geared to make money by attracting paying visitors while giving no thought to animal rights or welfare.

The earliest significant animal collections date back at least 3,500 years to the Middle East. This has progressively continued over the years with some enthusiasts going as far as killing mother animals to take their young.

I am not asking that all caged animals be let loose and free to mingle with humans but, where did these animals come from?

They are sought after from their homes in the wild and brought to civilization. Humans need civilization, not animals. They were comfortable swinging in trees or crawling in mud holes but not hitting glass walls or metallic cages every time they stretch.

Ultimately, I think most animals are better off in the wild. The jungle is their home and is no place for us which—this is why we have towns and cities in place. If we leave animals in the jungle, I’m sure they will be on their best behavior.

With the change in their habitat, they are at risk of extinction. And isn’t there something about fighting to save endangered animal species?

It is sad to think we are supper special just because we are humans, but where does this false sense of pride come from? Does God treat us the way we treat animals? He created us for crying out loud.

His supremacy knows no measures yet here we are playing God and playing him terribly wrong at that!

Through the centuries, man has domesticated quite a few animals to serve his needs, and sometimes to serve no need at all.

It is one thing to keep an animal nearby to serve one’s needs but it is cruel to want to keep it ‘just for fun’. It is most definitely cruel to keep any animal or bird in captivity; worse still, confined in cages.

An animal or bird is so carefree in its own environment. It knows of no restrictions. It goes about its own business of eating and drinking and creating babies.

King Kong is a story that still makes me wonder to this day how man can rudely interrupt an animal’s lifestyle forcefully making it adapt to his.

Even domestic animals would like to walk about and act according to their instincts and desires which is why some people are gracious enough to let chicken roam on their own in search for food.

Caging animals deprives them of freedom. How often have we seen caged animals pacing their cages in futile attempts to escape? The frustration that they feel is unimaginable.

What can we possibly gain in making a creature furious, frustrated and depressed? Yet humans do it all the time.

We have no right to do this; we do it because the creatures are powerless to stop us from confronting them. If we were robbed of such rights, we would rather die than succumb. So, by what right do we imprison animals and birds without any worries?

Wild animals should be left free in their habitats and domestic animals should be given as much freedom as possible. The only reason for caging birds and animals is when they are a danger to themselves or to others.

Nevertheless, wild animals and birds should never be captured in the first place.

Since we would think it cruel if someone were to cage us, it stands as reason that we should not do the same to others, including animals and birds.

The sense of justice we hold so dear when it comes to humanity should be extended to all living creatures.