When will Smart Cover be enforced?

Editor,It is almost a month since the ‘Smart Cover Head’ directive was put in place. However, several motorcycle taxi operators are yet to embrace this. Last week, I rode on “moto” three times in Kigali but when I insisted that I be provided with a Smart Cover, all motorcycle taxi operators claimed not to have any.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Motorcycle operators have ignored the new smart cover to protect passengers against contracting skin related diseases. The New Times / File photo


It is almost a month since the ‘Smart Cover Head’ directive was put in place. However, several motorcycle taxi operators are yet to embrace this.

Last week, I rode on "moto” three times in Kigali but when I insisted that I be provided with a Smart Cover, all motorcycle taxi operators claimed not to have any. What happened?

The idea introduced by officials from the KigaliCity Council is good but implementing it has become a problem. I am yet to see traffic police helping with the directive.

The operators and passengers need to realise that ‘Smart Cover Head’ will surely protect Rwandans from contracting skin related diseases and other hygiene related diseases.

Everest Murenzi