Women empowerment breeds prosperity

Editor,Rwanda has done a great job in empowering women.Traditionally, like most African societies, Rwandan women were reserved for domestic chores and there were many stereotypes and forms of discrimination that stopped them from progressing.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Rwanda has done a great job in empowering women.

Traditionally, like most African societies, Rwandan women were reserved for domestic chores and there were many stereotypes and forms of discrimination that stopped them from progressing.

Over the last 17 years, we have witnessed Women play a significant role in the  ongoing transformation of the country.

They hold the most seats in Parliament, and according to a recent survey by the commonwealth, Rwanda is one of the few countries in the world where it is good to be born a girl.

Various policies are in place to ensure that they have equal access to opportunities and through massive sensitization campaigns, the traditional stereotypes are disappearing.

I would like to thank the country’s leadership for making women empowerment a priority. The benefits are immense and above all, it should be everyone’s responsibility that everyone is treated the same and respectfully, irrespective of their sex, race or origin.

Charlotte Uwimbabazi Kalisa