Society: Women n’ Such: Bad hair days

It could be because the weather is changing, or just the simple fact that I have committed myself to 102% negligence of the mane on my crane but my hair is a train wreck (and this is the truth).So after a sobering experience with my reflection in the mirror today, I have decided it’s time to stop blaming school, rain, hormones, nights-out, you name it-this hair is getting fixed.

Friday, September 23, 2011
Hair Curling Iron

It could be because the weather is changing, or just the simple fact that I have committed myself to 102% negligence of the mane on my crane but my hair is a train wreck (and this is the truth).  

So after a sobering experience with my reflection in the mirror today, I have decided it’s time to stop blaming school, rain, hormones, nights-out, you name it-this hair is getting fixed.

If you are in the same dilemma without too much time to spend bonding with the talented hairdressers at MTN centre, here are a few tips to achieve the shine without spending too much of a dime.

First off, skip the heat! The less blow-dryers and curling or flat irons, the less damage and split ends for smoother strands; if you cannot live without the iron, apply frizz-taming serum to dry hair before using these tools.

Also, communicate with your hairdresser to ensure that they are not frying your hair. Brushing your hair is another formula to remove dead hair and distribute oils evenly throughout your hair-it is also a quick shine remedy so brush on!

For a cheap hair (and scalp) conditioner, massage olive oil into your hair and down to your scalp, cover your pillow with a towel and sleep with it in! Avoid licking your oily towel during the night and rinse it out in the morning-your hair will thank you! An extra tip on washing hair-to get maximum shine, after washing and conditioning, blast your hair with cold water for a few seconds to seal in conditioner and add shine.

Believe it or not, plastic combs stretch and snap hair if used to detangle wet hair so look for metal picks or use your fingers instead; a curious mix of one teaspoon of honey and four cups of warm water after shampooing is also an ingredient for shine by the way! Do not rinse, dry as normal for best results.

I know how tempting it is to finish off the hair lotion in the bottle the day you buy it but go easy on the grease! You do not want to weigh your hair down with oils, in fact, don’t apply finishing products too close to your scalp because it will look streaky and greasy-remember, it
’s shine we are shooting for here!

It’s not the norm these days, but for the ladies with natural locks-one way to have bouncy shiny curls is to dry your hair with paper towels after washing it instead of a towel. I am no hair scientist but this has been tried and tested by many (including yours truly) and the paper towels preserve the curls and lustre after the shower.

For my sisters with coloured hair, am sorry, there’s no hope for you! I am just bluffing… Something to keep in mind when you have coloured hair is that the chemicals that colour your hair dry it out and make it brittle so you have to put more effort into keeping it moisturized and shiny.

I know, from looking at numerous heads in Kigali, that a lot of women do not realize this! Make sure you are using a good shampoo and conditioner-one that is specifically made for colour-treated hair as these products preserve the colour as well as replenish the moisture and shine.

I could keep babbling on but last but certainly not least, maintain a balanced
diet with plenty of water and foods rich in vitamin E like leafy veggies-your hair reflects your diet.

We all have different hair and there’s no one-size-fits-all formula to getting a head of lustrous shine but hair is one of the first things to get noticed on you so invest in it! Am off to fix the hot mess on my head!

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