Society Debate: Can we have a conflict free world?

No, humans are naturally conflicted!This world without chaos would definitely not be ‘this world’. Much as I would love to throw the blame on Adam and Eve, I can’t.Were we not given the aptitude to tell what is right and what is wrong? Were our eyes not opened to both good and evil? We are not cursed; the world is simply as it is because we are responsible for making it that way.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

No, humans are naturally conflicted!

This world without chaos would definitely not be ‘this world’. Much as I would love to throw the blame on Adam and Eve, I can’t.

Were we not given the aptitude to tell what is right and what is wrong? Were our eyes not opened to both good and evil? We are not cursed; the world is simply as it is because we are responsible for making it that way.

Humans are envious and spiteful, rude and obnoxious, dishonest and brutal; I could go on all day.  Sure some people try to follow the little good that is threatened with extinction but even they fight the natural vices that devour us all.

We fight over the pettiest things and always hurt the very people we claim to care about. We do things that we are without doubt able to avoid yet, still do them anyway.

Naturally, humans will do anything to make it up the ladder of success and whereas that is inspiring, we also tend to be ruthless while at it, with no consideration whatsoever of who gets hurt along the way.

We have the ones who will sleep their way to the top, the ones who will blackmail others if need be to get what they want, the ones who will literally commit the most foul of sins like murder all in the name of success.

Selfishness is something we can avoid but choose not to because we can’t help but want to be happy ourselves. Ego and pride get the better of us and make us act in repulsive ways. For example, when someone is wronged, a simple apology would suffice but even that is too much to ask from some people whose pride won’t let them.

There are countries at war, terrorists leaving people afraid of life, serial murderers and rapists traumatizing the world, thieves taking stuff that they never worked for, innocent babies being thrown in pit latrines or butchered, spouses cheating on each other like a problem, people bewitching others and many other atrocious things. How can we not see that the problem is with us?

This brings me to our biggest problem; the failure to take responsibility for our own actions. We find it easier to blame someone else for the wrong we commit.

Since Adam chose to tell God that Eve had coerced him into eating the fruit, it was embedded in us to not take responsibility for our own faults. He could have just said no to her but chose to eat it like he had been put on gunpoint or something.

That is the precise reason he was chastised because instead of accepting his wrong, he used the easy way out and blamed Eve for his mishap.

We have the sense to do what is right. From that first bite, our minds were opened to the knowledge of both good and evil. This world will never stop being in conflict as long as people still chose evil over good.

It doesn’t matter whether you stole a spoon of sugar as compared to one who massacred an entire nation. It’s all sin. Mankind is sinful.

God created both evil and good and hoped that we would be smart enough to choose the latter and do what is expected of us or at least try to rectify the fault or be remorseful when we slip.

If only the entire human race had the will to be good, the will to be remorseful, the will to forgive, the will to be selfless, the will to help not just the people who matter to us but, complete strangers too and, the will to respect and cherish life and He who gave it to us.