Religious perception of peace

Christianity“There is no way to peace, peace is the way.” Christians teach that peace among persons, groups or nations is not possible without goodwill towards another.And goodwill towards one another is not possible without acknowledging God as mankind’s common father.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"There is no way to peace, peace is the way.” Christians teach that peace among persons, groups or nations is not possible without goodwill towards another.

And goodwill towards one another is not possible without acknowledging God as mankind’s common father.

Christians define Peace as a positive presence of something not of this world, that has its origin in something heavenly; in other words, in God.

They believe that the reason why peace is scarce on this planet is because modern man is too proud in his scientific and technological achievements that he discards the idea that real peace has its origin in God.

Man is naturally inclined to love himself; and so God commands man: ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’ This is the second greatest Commandment, the first being, ‘Love the Lord with all your heart, mind and strength.’

These two commandments are the source of man’s happiness—for there can be no happiness without peace.

Pastor Valerie of Faith Centre Church, Kanombe said peace comes from above.

"Christ says that real peace is that which comes from God, and not from the world. This is peace of the soul, peace of mind, peace of heart which surpasses all mere human endeavors and understanding.

"It is only when such a peace reigns in the human heart, that there will be no room for coveting or selfish thinking: These are the final causes of wars and conflicts between people and nations,” she said.

Pastor Valerie called upon the leaders of different faith groups to unite and foster peace.

"We practitioners of different faiths can work together for world peace when we view different religions as essential instruments that develop peaceful ways, and people who love and respect others,” she added.


According to Imam Omar Kangwangye of Gatsata Mosque, "peace is a basic concept in the Islamic faith.”

The name Islam comes from an Arabic root word meaning "peace” and "submission.”  Some who describe Islam therefore emphsize that this is a religion of peace, whereas others place the emphasis upon submission or obedience to the will of God.

In either case, most Muslims believe that one can only find peace by submitting to God (Allah).  The same Arabic root word is used in the greeting "Salaam alaykum,” ("Peace be with you”).

"Islam is a religion that promotes peace and understanding among people of all faiths. It strongly prohibits all forms of violence and aggression against all people regardless of their faith or race.

The truth is that peace in Islam is the ‘rule’, while war is the ‘exception’. This is borne out by all the teachings of Islam and the practical life of the Prophet of Islam,” stressed, Imam Kangwangye.

However, the question still stands, if all religions teach peace, why it is that so many conflicts and wars stem from religious differences in opinion?

I guess the most important thing should be to look at the purpose of religion and not at the details of theology or metaphysics, which can lead to mere intellectualism.

That all the major religions of the world can contribute to world peace and work together for the benefit of humanity is possible. As long as the subtle metaphysical differences are put aside, which are really the internal business of each religion, then peace is sustainable.

Lets meditate on what Swami comedian Beyondananda once said, "if we make a little peace here, a little peace there, and pretty soon all the peaces will fit together to make one big peace everywhere.”