The “one - family with one - cow” welcoming

Dear editor, We are pleased to inform the government that the rural development programs they are having for is of great importance. Families that have benefited from these programs are indeed well off and the problems of Kwashakor and the general hunger is a story now.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dear editor,

We are pleased to inform the government that the rural development programs they are having for is of great importance. Families that have benefited from these programs are indeed well off and the problems of Kwashakor and the general hunger is a story now.

Our children drink enough milk and we sell the rest to buy some small home needs. We have as a result of getting manure from decomposed cow dung managed to have flourishing crops. This has seriously checked hunger in our villages.

We call upon the government to push hard for international donors through their agencies like Heifer, to give cows to those families who have not yet benefited from the program.
