Become stress free

Life can be so hectic with a million deadlines to meet and a number of responsibilities to keep up with. As a result, stress has turned into an everyday fixture in our lives. In order to ‘blow off steam’, one has to find ways to regroup and rejuvenate.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Life can be so hectic with a million deadlines to meet and a number of responsibilities to keep up with. As a result, stress has turned into an everyday fixture in our lives. In order to ‘blow off steam’, one has to find ways to regroup and rejuvenate. Here are practical, quick facts to help you reduce your stress levels:

Connect your inner self with God by constantly communicating with him. Prayer is your ultimate source of strength. Indulge in him and get to know what it means to have faith and trust God and his plans for you. You will truly have inner peace and mental health.

Learn to simplify your life and work. Stick to what is more important and lay aside the rest. Always ask yourself the question: "Will this really matter to me in the end?” Then set boundaries so that people and circumstances may not step in your way.

By prioritizing, you make sure that you are not drained at the end of your day.

Close your eyes for five minutes and take ten deep breaths. This will take your attention away from anything that is burdening you. Make this a regular practice and you will immediately notice your ability to de-stress yourself. 

Relax yourself by listening to music or sounds. Music is therapeutic and an excellent stress reliever. You might also enjoy listening to other types of relaxing sounds, such as recordings of nature noises like running water or bird songs.

A quick "power nap” can have a huge impact on our focus, energy level and motivation. When life becomes too stressful, take a nap and you can be sure to wake up refreshed.

Always eat breakfast, which replenishes energy levels. Drink plenty of water as dehydration causes fatigue, headaches and poor concentration. Also, reduce your caffeine intake and instead, try herbal teas such as peppermint or soothing chamomile.

Who does not love a good laugh? Studies have found out that laughing lessens physical, mental and emotional weariness, and instantly enhances your mood by releasing endorphins in your brain.