Kanimba launches Rwf 168m warehouse

KIREHE-The Minster of Trade, Commerce and Industry, Francois Kanimba, over the weekend, unveiled a warehouse worth Rwf 168 million in Kirehe District.The complex, equipped with two crop washing machines, has a total capacity of 8,000 tonnes.

Monday, August 29, 2011

KIREHE-The Minster of Trade, Commerce and Industry, Francois Kanimba, over the weekend, unveiled a warehouse worth Rwf 168 million in Kirehe District.

The complex, equipped with two crop washing machines, has a total capacity of 8,000 tonnes.

The minister noted that ware house will help the farmers store their crops, pointing out that the district is renowned for high agricultural produce countrywide.

"You can now safely store your maize as you monitor prices. It is a storage facility that will help you cut losses,” he told jubilant farmers.

The Minister applauded Kirehe cooperative farmers for working in organised structures, which allowed them to make profits.

"I was surprised by the way cooperatives work in Kirehe…very organised to the extent that you search for markets of your produce. The way you perceive things is very encouraging.”

Mayor Protais Murayira, said the facility was long overdue.

He added that the district will soon put up more warehouses to cater for the increasing yields.

"This is a very huge step towards solving the issue of crop storage. But of course, it is a drop in an ocean. We shall push for more storage facilities until we satisfy our demands,” he said.

A farmer in the area, Alfred Nkubiri, said several farmers were expected to start using the facility during the next harvest.

"It is a solution for many farmers particularly those closer to it…it will check crop waste especially when there is a bumper harvest…indeed, a big step in agricultural development,” he said.

The district also plans to start up an agro-based processing industry.
