Visualize the consequences of your actions

Teenagers love a life that is full of excitement, they tend to get excited and do things that might have adverse effects in the future.Getting huge and visible permanent tattoos, several piercings on the eyes or lips and boys piercing their ears are some of the things done that sometimes become regrettable in the future.

Monday, August 15, 2011
Sometimes our visible appearance is a cause for misjudgement. Net photo

Teenagers love a life that is full of excitement, they tend to get excited and do things that might have adverse effects in the future.

Getting huge and visible permanent tattoos, several piercings on the eyes or lips and boys piercing their ears are some of the things done that sometimes become regrettable in the future.

For instance, a boy may pierce their ears just to look cool which may not be a crime by the way.

However, he might walk into some office to look for the job in the future which he might be denied simply because he has pierced ears.

Sometimes, people might get us wrong because society has set different beliefs and will judge you according to what they see on the outside.

Before, making some of the decisions during teenagehood, think about the impact they might have in the near future.

Weigh the effects and then make a decision that you are sure will not  lead to regret.

Peter was the adventurous kind of boy who liked to try out almost everything. During his high school, he tried out almost everything.

He had almost every part of his body pierced from the eye to the nose, tongue, lips and naval.

Such is popular with girls but Peter did not hesitate to try. He had his hair plaited as well.

He was one of those who believed that one’s appearance had nothing to do with their character which perhaps is true for some people.

But his audacious lifestyle cost him a lot, later on in life. He was denied a job because of his appearance.

The Interview panel did not even waste their time to ask him so many questions.

They told him he was in the wrong place because he might scare away potential clients with his creepy look.

He had applied for a customer care job. If he had thought about this earlier in his teenage years before getting his whole body pierced, then it would not have cost him a job.

Peter confesses that at times he regrets why he made such silly decisions all in the name of looking cool then.

"Sometimes people think am a crook and spoilt person just because they see my nose and ears pierced. It hurts that I can’t explain to the whole world how I only did these things back in high school when was just trying out,”Peter confesses.

Watch what you do today because it will affect your tomorrow!!!