Ideal interiors:Add pieces of sculpture to enhance your home décor

Why is it that whenever there is a talk about decorating a home people think of furniture, paint or wallpaper only?  Is it because most of us think that when it comes to home décor it is only about painting the house and changing the old furniture to buying new ones?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why is it that whenever there is a talk about decorating a home people think of furniture, paint or wallpaper only?  Is it because most of us think that when it comes to home décor it is only about painting the house and changing the old furniture to buying new ones?  

As a result some people fear to decorate their homes, because according to them it means spending lots of money, which is partly true. However, have you ever thought about using some inexpensive items like a sculpture to decorate your home? These days, people have become artistic and more people prefer using original fine art sculpture or even mass produced reproductions of famous sculptures to add to the beauty and elegance to their homes.

The recent down turn in economy means more people will be fixing and renovating their current homes rather than buying new homes because there is no money. Hence, adding sculpture to your home is one way that you can make your home look new, more exquisite and beautiful. 
Nowadays, you can utilize sculpture in many ways to spice up your decor. One of the easiest ways is to buy a free-standing statue and put it on the floor or pedestal. One more idea though is a metallic wall sculpture. These are mounted to the wall but unlike a painting, they are three-dimensional. Some are small and some take up a whole wall but these sculptures have more depth and really draw people’s attention.  Some sculptures which come in half can be put in the glass area of a wall unit to beautify the area.

A sculpture can also be a centrepiece on a coffee table or dining table, for as long as the children will not tamper with them. Some sculptures can also serve as coffee stools, these sculptures are unusually big because of the purpose they are meant for. Some sculptures also come in form of ashtrays.
Decorating with sculpture surprisingly has another interesting advantage. Unlike wallpaper or paint, a sculpture is an item you can resell. A sculpture is a work of art and works of art always have a value to it regardless of the time frame for as long as they are well maintained. However, not all sculptures will fetch good money when you resell them but a good work of art will have a good chance, that is why it is encouraged when buying sculptures choose the best and one that lasts. Through this way, you can treat decorating with sculptures as an investment. 
Using sculpture at home isn’t just for fine artists or art collectors. Anybody can use sculpture to add a touch of personality to their home decor. There a
re sculptures that are made to reflect one’s interests, hobby or religion.

For example in my house we have a very big sculpture of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the way we have displayed it, it surely catches the eye of anybody who enters our home. As much as it is a religious sculpture and we use it when praying the Holy Rosary to remind us of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it also adds some beauty to the home decor. Get a sculpture today to enhance your home décor without having to spend so much.