Rachel’s Ramblings:Watch what you say or do around kids

  Never under any circumstance should anyone overlook kids thinking, they don’t understand things. They are smarter than most people think. So smart in fact, that sometimes they downright challenge our own intelligence as adults. Children say the darnest things but they seldom misquote you. On the contrary, they usually repeat word for word of what you shouldn’t have said. To them, saying those things slips out just as innocently as their very own conversations with other kids about Barbie dolls and race cars.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Rachel Garuka

Never under any circumstance should anyone overlook kids thinking, they don’t understand things. They are smarter than most people think. So smart in fact, that sometimes they downright challenge our own intelligence as adults.

Children say the darnest things but they seldom misquote you. On the contrary, they usually repeat word for word of what you shouldn’t have said. To them, saying those things slips out just as innocently as their very own conversations with other kids about Barbie dolls and race cars.

They wouldn’t know a bad word if it were planted in their mouth. And if adults go about using words they are not supposed to, logically kids will pick up those same words and use them without a care in the world.

Why should someone get shocked when their kid starts throwing around the ‘f bomb’ like they were being paid to. Who can blame them if their parents send out curse words like they would, invitations to the hottest party of the year?

The extent of the mortification one can face when their five year old blurts out a curse word in the presence of guests is beyond depiction. Things like ‘go to your room and think about what you’ve done’ will not save the situation especially when the kid referred to a guest as the ‘b word’ or to put it precisely, a female dog!

Kids really do catch up on all the drama you think they do not notice. Every fight and fall out with either boyfriend or girl pal is taken under serious observation. Every angry word spoken after the other party has left is recorded and stored (so conveniently) till the day reconciliation is actually in the making! Then the drama starts again for talking nonsense behind someone’s back. Talk about madness!

Kids are like recorders because that is exactly what they do. And maybe they might lie about other things concerning them but not what someone else said. The only way to avoid such a mishap is to excuse yourself every time you have to discuss adult issues with someone. Cut out the curse words, hard as it may be for you, try doing it. At the end of the day, it is the adult who faces all the humiliation that comes with a foul mouthed child.

Kids follow by example. When adults do reckless things in the open acting like its okay, it’s a guarantee kids will be doing the same because they learn from us. We are supposed to let them know that calling people names is wrong but they will not know that if you have a nickname for every one in your neighbourhood.

What is worse than finding a six-year-old playing ‘mummy and daddy’ with the boy next door? Their own parents’ ‘mummy and daddy’ games know no closed doors so stuff is done with the hypothesis that the kids are asleep. It is our responsibility to let kids grow up the right way without any intrusion from our adult drama. That’s the way it should be.
