How are you spending your holiday?

By the end of a school term, you and many other students are tired and exhausted. Holiday is the time to take a break and to do something which would make you relax. The ‘hols’ are a period in which you can find out who you really are and be yourself without the restrictive rules and regulations of school to confine you. Students can also use the holiday to learn something new.

Monday, August 08, 2011
Exercise and play games for physical and mental health. Net photo

By the end of a school term, you and many other students are tired and exhausted. Holiday is the time to take a break and to do something which would make you relax.

The ‘hols’ are a period in which you can find out who you really are and be yourself without the restrictive rules and regulations of school to confine you. Students can also use the holiday to learn something new.

Holidays don’t have to be boring. There are lots of things to do apart from sitting on the couch and watching movies all day or listening to Lil Wayne on your iPod. There are a lot of beneficial and entertaining things you can do during the school holidays.

Wake up every morning and do some physical exercise for a healthy body and mind. Exercising helps with stress, and may even make you happier than usual.

You can also do ‘mental jogging’ by joining a public library in your area for the duration of your holidays.

Reading books has many benefits both mentally and morally.  The more you read, the more you will increase your vocabulary. Reading is an excellent habit—it keeps your mind alert.

Make friends, a healthy social life is the key to enjoying your life in spite of the stress of school. Try to make at least two new friends, and try to make many friends from your gender and two or three the opposite gender for diversity.

You can help your mother or house maids in the kitchen and learn to prepare a dish. Among other things, you can take a computers lesson and also try new techniques to improve your language skills. Why not [plan for a trip in the countryside?

Learn to explore the beautiful nature that surrounds you this holiday.

Make one good deed daily toward anyone either in your family or in your neighbourhood.

Or maybe just switch off a lighting bulb inside a room when it is not being used or turn off a running tap of water.

Listen to your parents! Yes, as crazy as it sounds, it will make your life so much easier and enjoyable if you just listen to your parents.

You do not have to hear them keep yelling at you! Your parents might not be as up-to-date as you think, but they may give you good advice.

They are in the real world, not the "unreal teen world”. Spending some time with younger brothers and sisters can also be a wonderful thing to do in the school holidays.

Together with these things, you should never forget about the religious obligations.

Get involved with a youth group—get into reading the Bible or Quran and praying more, try to strengthen your relationship with God because it will help you so much later in life, if it’s strong now.