Creativity improves mental ability

She was a small peasant girl barely 8 or 10 years old.  She was talking to another girl and also knitting with wool on a pair of thin sticks. I was pleasantly surprised and impressed to see her using her time so effectively and creatively. Dictionary definition of the word “Creative” is relating to or involving the use of imagination or original ideas in order to create something.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Music serves as soothing influence over the mind. Net photo

She was a small peasant girl barely 8 or 10 years old.  She was talking to another girl and also knitting with wool on a pair of thin sticks. I was pleasantly surprised and impressed to see her using her time so effectively and creatively.

Dictionary definition of the word "Creative” is relating to or involving the use of imagination or original ideas in order to create something.

Hence, Creativity is to do something with imagination or to create something new. It is the essence of nature and life. Creativity is inherently present in all individuals. But some make use of it while others ignore it.

Every person has some free time or leisure time, irrespective of whatever work they do.

There are many creative past times which one can do in this leisure time.  Skills like knitting, embroidery, crochet, and painting, arts like music or dance can be practiced in free time. Each of these skills when practiced leads to completion of something creative. It gives a sense of immense happiness and satisfaction.   For example, after finishing one painting, an artist feels inspired to do another. Anything around the environment can be a source of inspiration. 

Creative hobbies also keep one mentally relaxed.  Music serves as soothing influence over the mind. Dance provides physical exercise as well as mental happiness. These activities keep one away from harmful leisure activities like drinking or gambling. This has a positive influence on the overall physical as well as mental health of an individual.

Those who spend all their free time in front of videos or computer games, get bored after sometime and look for some other pleasure pursuit. These types of entertainment never give the bliss provided by a completed activity.  Over a long run, they have harmful effects on one’s health.

Apart from these advantages, creative activities help one to improve their mental concentration. For example, knitting is one activity where a person has to use a fixed number of stitches and work on that with concentration. Thus, it actively stimulates the mind. Therefore, person indulging in creative pursuits, has a more active and focused mind as compared to persons not having such creative past times. Creative people always perform better in other fields as well. 

Thus, it can be seen that being engaged in creative past times is useful for all. It is particularly more advantageous for students. Creativity helps them to improve their overall personality and performance in their examinations.

No day is better than today to take up a creative hobby.

The writer is a grade 12 student at Green Hills Academy.

Creativity is to do something with imagination or to create something new. It is the essence of nature and life. Creativity is inherently present in all individuals. But some make use of it while others ignore it.
