He was a young energetic man who had come to know recently that he is positive for HIV. In a bout of depression he consumed about 60 tablets of bactrim to kill himself. But luckily he was brought to the hospital in time and   was saved. He tried the same again after a week albeit consuming an insecticide.

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Drug abuse could lead to suicide attempts

He was a young energetic man who had come to know recently that he is positive for HIV. In a bout of depression he consumed about 60 tablets of bactrim to kill himself.

But luckily he was brought to the hospital in time and   was saved. He tried the same again after a week albeit consuming an insecticide.

Thanks to the vigilant wife, he was again saved. He was given extensive counselling to help him cope with his problem mentally and hopefully he should be well at home now.

Suicide is the act in which one intentionally kills himself or herself. Attempted suicide is the attempt to do so.

The emergency department of every hospital always   receives one or 2 cases of attempted suicide. The individual may succumb to his attempt or survive.

This depends on what he has used for the same and whether he received prompt medical attention or not.

As per the World health organization, it is one of the 13th leading causes of death worldwide.

Excepting very small children, persons of all ages and both genders are known to commit suicide. But as per statistics, more men commit suicide as compared to women. 

As such any death is saddening. But a youngster taking his own life is very tragic and a big loss to the family as well as the society.

There are numerous reasons for suicide. People suffering from extreme depression often try to end their lives or attempt to do so. This depression can be situational secondary to some big tragedy like death of a loved one or big financial loss.

Some individuals have depression as part of psychosis and they decide to end their life during an episode of severe depression.

Those habituated to alcohol often have chronic depression and suicidal tendencies. Young adults taking cocaine or other addicting substances also develop suicidal tendencies.

Some individuals   opt for suicide for political/religious ideology.  These are people brain washed by their mentors who teach them that they are giving up their lives for a noble cause.

Suicide is considered to be a sin by all religions and is looked down by people in general. Persons close to the individual attempting suicide may have some sympathy for him or her, but others usually sneer at this attempt.

The mode of suicide is extremely variable. Measures range from consuming poison, over consumption of prescription   medicines, using firearms, throwing oneself in front of automobiles, trains, e.t.c.

Life is a precious gift to human beings. It is only till we are in this world, that we can do any good work for betterment of self or others. No living being has ever seen the other worlds. So it is better to make the best of life here.

As such it is important to watch people with depression or on drugs very carefully to prevent suicide.   They have to be aided by all means to give up this habit.

One also has to be vigilant for teenagers and youngsters who are hooked on drugs or alcohol lest they attempt to harm their lives.

Rehabilitation of drug addicts is very useful in avoiding suicidal tendencies. 

Extra surveillance is needed for persons who have attempted suicide once and have been saved. They should never be left alone till they overcome their depression. 

Some individuals try to kill themselves under severe stress or some other depressing influence. But after realizing that they could die, cry for help.

Such people need urgent medical therapy and lot of reassurance. After recovery, their minds have to be diverted in to something useful and they should never be reminded of the unfortunate incidence.

Poisonous substances should not be kept at home. If at all necessary, they should be out of easy reach of family members.

Only one responsible senior person should be allowed to handle it. Similarly one has to be very careful about sharp objects like knives, e.t.c.  They should not be in easy reach of youngsters.

If by collective measures, prevalence of suicide can be brought down in the community, many untimely deaths can be prevented.