Teachers’ absenteeism should not be tolerated

Editor, This is with reference to an article published in The New Times, yesterday, about teachers in Rubavu District who are skipping classes. This is a noble profession and under performance of teachers is reflected on the upbringing of the students.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


This is with reference to an article published in The New Times, yesterday, about teachers in Rubavu District who are skipping classes. This is a noble profession and under performance of teachers is reflected on the upbringing of the students.

Teachers are role models in our society and are supposed to instill morals in our children, who are the leaders of tomorrow. It’s therefore unfortunate when those in charge our children don’t care.

The Ministry of Education should take necessary action against these teachers immediately. After all, they are paid to work.

The ministry should also investigate reports that some teachers come to work while drunk.  This is disgraceful and will impact negatively to our children when they grow up. Act now and save the next generation.

Grace P Umulisa