Population control is everyone’s concern

Editor; I would like to react to a story which appeared in yesterday’s issue of The New Times about the country being on track in curbing high population growth rates. I would like to remind every Rwandan that it is our job to support government efforts to control the population growth.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I would like to react to a story which appeared in yesterday’s issue of The New Times about the country being on track in curbing high population growth rates. I would like to remind every Rwandan that it is our job to support government efforts to control the population growth.

As we progress, we need to know that producing more children than we can take care of is not only a burden to the country’s limited resources, but denies the children proper upbringing and better chances to make it in life.
We all know the advantages of producing few children. The burden of caring for them becomes light and within our incomes we can cater for their needs. There is no one who wants to see their children suffer, go hungry, miss school or unable to access medical care.
It is, therefore, everyone’s responsibility to realize this urgent concern.
The most encouraging thing is that rural people have realised the need to practice family planning.

Godefroid Munyaneza
