Keeping your word

I’m sure most of us, are irritated by people who fail to keep their word. If someone has promised to do something for you, agreed to help you out with something important or urgent, or is supposed to keep time to some appointment, agreed to attend to you for something you really need; could be a job, help with school work or whatever else it could be… you simply want them to do one thing, keep their word!

Monday, July 18, 2011
Natasha Muhoza

I’m sure most of us, are irritated by people who fail to keep their word. If someone has promised to do something for you, agreed to help you out with something important or urgent, or is supposed to keep time to some appointment, agreed to attend to you for something you really need; could be a job, help with school work or whatever else it could be… you simply want them to do one thing, keep their word!

If you remember your childhood, you’ll probably remember a time when dad or mum had said they’d take you to some place you were desperate to go to, or get you the present you were desperate for, when they didn’t keep their word or even forgot to do so, it made you feel like jumping out of yourself and wish you were big enough to do it yourself, at least for me, this was true and we all had our way of consoling ourselves from the irritation of people not keeping their word (the most common and easiest was pulling your cheeks as far from your face as possibly possible). Anyway, what I’m trying to say is right from back then we’ve always wanted to be respected when it comes to people being true to their word.

The challenge is this. How are you as an individual contributing to building this culture? I don’t know so much but one thing I do believe is that one cannot change the world around them before they’ve changed themselves.

So the point of focus shouldn’t be to complain progressively about the people in your work place, in your home, community, school, class or family that know everything else except how to keep their word because that only grows and besides you don’t want to bore us with your complaints.

 I say each of us look at the nearest place, into ourselves and focus on living on that honorable principal and if you do, perfect it.

 Let us strive to be ladies and gentlemen whose word anyone could bank and be sure to count on rather than those whose word follows wherever the wind blows! And it starts with you before it flows around you. As someone shared "your word is golden” and if it isn’t, it should be… at all times.

Personally, I’d rather be known for honorable and virtuous character than one of great wealth… one will leave its footprint on the world when you leave.
