Quality education will accelerate the development process

Head teachers from primary and secondary schools across the country held a retreat over the weekend to discuss quality education in schools. With 95 percent of the school-going age children enrolled, the government has successfully laid a foundation that will ensure an educated population.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Head teachers from primary and secondary schools across the country held a retreat over the weekend to discuss quality education in schools.

With 95 percent of the school-going age children enrolled, the government has successfully laid a foundation that will ensure an educated population.

However, there are still challenges with regard to quality education.

The contribution of education to economic growth occurs through accumulation of knowledge and acquisition of skills.  More highly educated individuals translate into more scientists, analysts, technicians, and inventors working to increase human knowledge through the development of new processes and technologies.

Education also benefits the society in ways that cannot be measured by economic growth. Education will enable Rwandans to be better fathers, mothers, children, voters, and citizens. Research has proved that societies, whose citizens are literate and knowledgeable, are more stable.

On an individual level, the quality education one receives not only affects earnings, but the quality of one’s employment as well. Educated workers enjoy higher wages, greater employment stability, and greater upward mobility.
