Be cautious of friendship killers

Friendship killers are those fatal actions that can signal the end of a relationship as a result of misunderstanding.  For everyone it has been proven by sociologists that it’s not easy to keep friends. If you want your friends be careful and avoid situations stated below.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friendship killers are those fatal actions that can signal the end of a relationship as a result of misunderstanding.

For everyone it has been proven by sociologists that it’s not easy to keep friends. If you want your friends be careful and avoid situations stated below.

Gossip separates the best of friends- to families and individuals I can say that gossip ranks among the deadliest of all the friendship killers out there. This is the most dangerous thing that can end many friendships. Gossip is a friendship killer!

Pride - Think you're always right? If so, be ready to lose good friendships throughout your entire life. No matter how great you are, at one time or another, you'll have to eat a little crow to maintain a relationship.

Distance - Forget about what you see on TV. Distance normally doesn't make the heart grow stronger. Instead, it usually breaks ties. You can't catch up with the person and spend time like you used to..

Jealousy is the killer of anything beautiful

Friendships is a beautiful and If you can't stand to see a friend get anything you don't have, jealousy is about to tear up your relationship. You'll be negative when you should be positive - or worse, mean.

Not Forgiving - Everyone makes mistakes, if our friends have done something wrong to us, it’s our duty for us to forgive them because we too have made mistakes.

The 89-year- old John Kizito, a resident of Kabuga- considers having friends as a good fortune.

 "Certain accomplishments in life are attained with the help f friends. No man is an island, you can’t acquire everything without help,” Kizito expresses.

He said: " I look back at life and  say I’m lucky to have such fine people in my life.”