Expose children to sciences early

Editor, I am happy to learn that our country organised the first ever science exhibition involving Rwandan primary schools which brought together various school children. This is great news because our children should be exposed to science subjects at an early age, if they are to grow up to become successful scientists. It is a fact that children adopt science lessons at an early age.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I am happy to learn that our country organised the first ever science exhibition involving Rwandan primary schools which brought together various school children.

This is great news because our children should be exposed to science subjects at an early age, if they are to grow up to become successful scientists. It is a fact that children adopt science lessons at an early age.

Through such events as the expo organised by the French Cultural Centre, we can always ensure that our children grow up well conversant with the subjects they study.

I am convinced that during the three-month exhibition that began in May, the pupils were able to "experiment, observe, practice and subsequently make interesting scientific discoveries”.

Once introduced to science subjects at an early age, children find them very interesting and grow up having no problem considering science-subject combinations at Secondary school level.

In this day and age, science subjects are the most valuable and we need to help our children take science courses seriously. Hence, there is need to organise similar events frequently.

Rick Mugisha