Teenage is the age between childhood and adulthood.  In this stage of life, one attains physical growth which starts from puberty. There are hormonal   changes along with physical growth and these are in the form of surge in the level of sex hormones.Due to this increase in the sex hormones, one has a natural desire to be attracted towards the opposite gender.  This attraction is so strong that one even finds even small insignificant things in a boy or girl very attractive.

Friday, July 08, 2011
Many a teenager has had a crush on the likes of football star Cristiano Ronaldo. Many times the crushes are closer to home

Teenage is the age between childhood and adulthood.  In this stage of life, one attains physical growth which starts from puberty. There are hormonal   changes along with physical growth and these are in the form of surge in the level of sex hormones.

Due to this increase in the sex hormones, one has a natural desire to be attracted towards the opposite gender.  This attraction is so strong that one even finds even small insignificant things in a boy or girl very attractive.

This strong attraction towards a member of the opposite sex is what is called the teenage crush. Unfortunately many teenagers mistake it for love. Once a teenager likes something in an individual of the opposite sex, they start thinking that they are in love with that person.

Imagine that it is a boy thinking of a girl. Now if that   girl responds in any way say by just saying hello or sending a message   or even just smiling, this guy starts imagining that   she has also fallen for him. He may start pursuing her and try to date her. If she is interested, she may go out with him but if she has other interests, she may just refuse.

Many weak minded boys take this refusal badly and go into depression or even take to drugs or alcohol.

In case of a girl falling for a boy, if the boy responds   to her feelings, then it is fine. Otherwise some girls go ahead boldly and express their feelings through messages or directly.

If the boy concerned is decent enough he will respect the girl’s feelings and accept her message gracefully or decline politely. But some unscrupulous guys will not hesitate in playing with the girl’s emotions or mocking at her.

In this way a girl loses her dignity and self respect too. Because still as per the opinion of many traditional minded folks, it is always the boy who should take the first step in a relationship.

A girl making the first move is not considered, "good”, by many people.

If both develop a crush for one another, they go out for dating.  This is the most common thing happening around. Because when an average teenage boy or girl develops a crush for a member of the opposite sex, they rarely think or use any prudence.

While on a date, they spend precious time in doing idle talk and of course spend money also.

After spending some evenings together, they also indulge in sexual intercourse many times as both have a strong sex drive. 

This exposes them both to risk of various   sexually transmitted diseases and also HIV/AIDS. This activity may result in unwanted pregnancy.

The boy involved may quietly walk off shrugging any responsibility. At this age he is not even mature enough to take care of a child or burden the responsibility of a family. Thus the girl is left alone to her fate.

She may get aborted illegally, thus exposing herself to the health hazards of illegal abortion or she may deliver the child. The child born out of such affairs is mostly unwanted and deprived of the love and care a child enjoys when born to mature parents.

In most of the cases, this girl has to bring up her child alone and she is unable to pursue the studies and career of her choice.

Once married as an adult to a better partner, one always has the fear and risk   of the teenage affair being exposed and thus jeopardizes the current marriage.

Thus it can be seen that a teenage crush if pursued has more disadvantages than any benefit. There is no harm in having fun with friends or going out with somebody. But to spend one’s valuable time in advancing it and ruining the good opportunities given by life is not wise.

Teenage is the time to develop one’s personality and skills for a better future as an adult, which should be used very well.

If a teenager really likes somebody very much it is better to continue studies and then embark on a serious relation after growing up and attaining enough maturity.
