Fuel prices going down good news

Editor, The government’s decision to slash taxes on fuel which has led to reduction on fuel prices to Rwf 1,025 is indeed a commendable development.The move comes at a time when the world is still facing an oil crisis that has led to rising cost of living and skyrocketing commodity prices.

Monday, July 04, 2011


The government’s decision to slash taxes on fuel which has led to reduction on fuel prices to Rwf 1,025 is indeed a commendable development.

The move comes at a time when the world is still facing an oil crisis that has led to rising cost of living and skyrocketing commodity prices.

It gives us confidence to know that our country is caring and projecting a positive trend where fuel prices will stabilise, hence leading to a reduction in inflation.

I would, therefore, wish to congratulate our government for the timely intervention and controlling inflation, saving and protecting us from some troubles faced by neighbouring economies.

Johnson Gahakwa