Awareness on Family planning should be intensified

Editor, In yesterday’s issues of The New Times, there was a story of a mother of three who gave birth to triplets. The mother said she had no employment and her husband too, had no source of income.I cannot imagine the difficulty the woman is going to face raising the children.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


In yesterday’s issues of The New Times, there was a story of a mother of three who gave birth to triplets. The mother said she had no employment and her husband too, had no source of income.

I cannot imagine the difficulty the woman is going to face raising the children.

While many people have come to her rescue, the bigger problem is ensuring that such cases are minimized. Bearing children is considered God’s blessing, but if parents cannot provide for them, it not only affects the wellbeing of the entire family, but also puts a burden on the nation’s resources.

More awareness campaigns on family planning will help address this challenge.

Angelique Mugeni,