Insight : Beauty is about self acceptance

Every morning when Cathy wakes up, she looks at the mirror and says, “you are the most beautiful lady I have ever seen.” I always questioned why she has to say this every morning but then I learnt that if one does not blow her own trumpet, at times no one else will do it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Beauty is about appreciating yourself. (Net Photo).

Every morning when Cathy wakes up, she looks at the mirror and says, "you are the most beautiful lady I have ever seen.” I always questioned why she has to say this every morning but then I learnt that if one does not blow her own trumpet, at times no one else will do it.

Beauty is not about how you are shaped; I hear of people speaking about figure 6, 7, 8 or 9, whatever they look like, I do not need to know.

Whether you are black, brown, white, big or small – beauty is merely accepting who and what you look like. You do not depend on compliments to survive, learn to complement yourself in and build your self esteem and confidence.

These are values in a person that keep you glowing regardless of how large your noise is or how tiny your legs are; it is all about believing that you are perfect in who you are and that you are better than the rest.

Comments like, ‘oooops, her nose is too large, it consumes too much oxygen, her legs are as small as a tooth pick,’ should simply not receive the attention of your ears; it is pure nonsense.

No one is supposed to make you feel so low; stand on your feet and be proud of who you are. When the inner you is convinced that there is no one else like you, you certainly begin to feel good about yourself.

After all; we are all beautifully, fearfully and wonderfully created in the image of God, the Bible tells us so. Why then must anyone despise their unique design ?

A high self esteem takes you to great places; accept and appreciate yourself. This will certainly make you feel good. Talk to the mirror every day.