Immigration staff pay homage to Bisesero Genocide victims

KARONGI - Staff members of the Directorate of Emigration and Immigration, over the weekend, paid respect to victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Bisesero, Karongi District.

Monday, June 13, 2011

KARONGI - Staff members of the Directorate of Emigration and Immigration, over the weekend, paid respect to victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Bisesero, Karongi District.

The staff raised Rwf300, 000 towards the maintenance and renovation that is currently going on at the memorial.

They also donated an assortment of household items, including mattresses, sauce pans, and a variety of utensils to 25 vulnerable and poor Genocide survivors in the area.

Shortly after participating in a Walk to Remember and laying of wreaths at mass graves where over 6,000 victims are laid to rest, Immigration’s Director General, Anaclet Kalibata, pledged more moral and financial support to survivors.

"As we remember the innocent lives that perished in 1994, it’s also important to support the survivors to lead better lives once again,” Kalibata said.

He encouraged the survivors to support each other by empowering one another with developmental projects from which they would benefit socially and economically.

Kalibata challenged the public to emulate the endurance and resilience exhibited by those who perished in Bisesero by divulging details about the Genocide to younger generations.

Bisesero survivors are renowned for their bravery in resisting attacks using bows and arrows, stones and sticks to suppress the assaults by armed soldiers belonging to the genocidal regime.
