Let’s prepare for a bright future

“I’ll get around to it tomorrow,”   or “I’ll worry about that latter,” and yet the future is out of my hands. I’m going to get out of this life what I can do today because I may not be able to do it tomorrow?

Monday, May 23, 2011

"I’ll get around to it tomorrow,”   or "I’ll worry about that latter,” and yet the future is out of my hands.

I’m going to get out of this life what I can do today because I may not be able to do it tomorrow?

This is the way most of us think. Scientists warn us of the dangers facing our world yet we still pollute and endanger the ecosystem.

Physicians warn us of the result of smoking to our bodies and still some of us do it. Why do we do this? We want instant gratification and don’t often bother to think of the consequences of our actions for the future.

 Everyone likes to think of the future but the best way to prepare for the future is to live each day so that later in life there won’t be any regrets.

 It’s not just the major decisions and choices in our lives that affect our future; it is series of small choices that we make daily that will determine what our future holds.

Definitely, there are many things that will take place our future that we can’t control. Circumstances play a major role, however, if we focus on things that we can control like for example, attitude, the friends we choose, studying to the best our ability and potential then the future is bright.

We can help in guiding the course of our future.
Perhaps the only thing that mankind has not been able to control about the future is death but one can always pray for their future, for instance ‘what career you should choose’ and ‘where you will live or what you will  eat’. 
Dwell not on the past, but use it to illustrate a point, and then leave it behind. Nothing really matters except what you know.

"From this moment onwards, you can be an entirely  different person  filled with love and understanding, ready with an outstretched hand, uplifted and positive in every thought and deed’’ said Eileen Caddy.

"You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude towards what happens to  you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you’’ famous saying by Brian Tracy

The author is a student at FAWE GIRLS’ School