Residents get electricity

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — Residents of Karangazi sector in Nyagatare district last week celebrated bidding farewell to life without power, Electrogaz officials said this week.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


NYAGATARE — Residents of Karangazi sector in Nyagatare district last week celebrated bidding farewell to life without power, Electrogaz officials said this week.

The government funded hydro electric power project, which has given people access to electricity, stretches over 5.6km to Karangazi trading centre from the nearest source.

Clement Nkuruziza, Electrogaz station manager for Nyagatare told The New Times that the electrification exercise is in two phases. The first phase for Karangazi sector stretches from Musenyi to Karangazi trading centre, while the second one which is yet to be completed stretches from Musenyi to Matimba sector.

According to sources, the government through the Ministry of Infrastructure earmarked over £3m [approximately Frw3b] for 30km power grid from Musenyi— Karangazi and Matimba -expected to be finished within 18 months.

By Monday this week, out of 40 people who had paid to get connected, about 14 houses were fully connected, Nkuruziza said.

Nkurunziza appealed to affluent people working in towns whose parents are living in the villages; to help their rural relatives get access to power, saying electricity is a necessity in the contemporary times.

Meanwhile, residents of Rukomo— Gatunda and Mimuri sectors would soon get access to electricity; courtesy of President Paul Kagame’s pledge to the community during the last presidential campaigns in 2003. It is approximately 34 km to connect the area from the nearest power source.

"We have done the quotations so anytime we expect the project to kick off," Nkuruzinza revealed.
