Multi–million Kimironko taxi park ready

A firm hired to construct a modern taxi part at Kimironko says the facility is ready for use.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A firm hired to construct a modern taxi part at Kimironko says the facility is ready for use.

The Agency for the execution of works of public interest (ASSETP) is only waiting to hand over the park to Kigali City Council.

Assetp started construction works in May last year, and according to the Technical Director Jean Pierre Kambali in "December the project had reached its completion”.

The 3,220 square metres park is worth Frw225m has the capacity to accommodate 52 minibuses and 4 buses. A modern administration block constructed on 306 square metres of land and latrine block of 76.6sq are part of the structures in the place.

Instead of tarmacking, the firm used interlocking concrete bricks which have a longer lifespan compared to tarmac.

"This is the first modern taxi park in the country. It’s the best so far,” Kambali said.
The modern taxi terminal was supposed to have other services like banks, restaurants, forex bureaus and shops but the budget could support the plan.

The idea to develop the Kimironko Taxi Park is part of the major plan to control traffic in the city. Some of the taxis may not reach the city centre.

According to Kambali the next project is the Kicukiro Tax Park which will have the same capacity.
Another mega project is the ongoing construction of the state-of-the-art Kigali Central Taxi Park that corresponds with the new city development programme.