Why are most gynecologists male?

Many find it thrilling that there are scores of men in the field of gynecology. A perverted answer could be that they like to look at women’s stuff, but that’s probably not true for most of them. It’s just something they preferred to do as they got older. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011
There are several reasons as to why men are gynecologists.

Many find it thrilling that there are scores of men in the field of gynecology. A perverted answer could be that they like to look at women’s stuff, but that’s probably not true for most of them. It’s just something they preferred to do as they got older.  

Esther Dusabe, a teacher and mother of two says she prefers a female gynecologist since they have first-hand familiarity with female biology.
"Women relate to women’s problems on the same level, not from knowledge gained through textbooks.

"I know it’s weird for men to be gynos because they have never experienced labor pains or menstrual cramps. Women understand other women far better than men do,” she emphasises.Edith Mukarugomwa disagrees.

"My first gynecologist was a man and he was incredible. He was very good at making me feel comfortable, asking me how I was doing, etc. Nothing ever felt forced or awkward. It was very natural having him as my doctor.

Going to the gynecologist is an extremely unsexy experience so I never felt strange having a male examine me,” she said.

Mukarugomwa adds that her worst pelvic exam ever was with a female gynecologist.

"She was so brusque and caused me so much pain that even the nurse seemed uncomfortable, and had to tell her she was hurting me.

"Her response was that, ‘this patient is overreacting and I don’t have to listen to her.’  I therefore don’t buy the idea that a doctor must have a tumor before they become a successful oncologist.

Jennifer Mukankusi, a mother also says that her favorite gynecologist is male, because he was very gentle, and he was genuinely concerned with her comfort during the exam.
 "As far as the female Vs. male gynecologist thing is concerned, I’ve had better experiences with male OB/Gyn’s,” she said.

The heart of the practitioner is what is important.
Dr. Xiavier Rusizana, a proprietor of a private Clinic in Remera, Kigali doesn’t consider that gender plays a role in gynecology.

"I mean, it’s the same way when a female becomes a testicular specialist, some men may be uncomfortable by it. In the end, people who are doctors are doing their jobs and are all very professional. People typically go into fields they think they can make a difference. 

"The guy could’ve had a mother, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, wife, etc with reproductive problems which could’ve inspired him to become a gynecologist to try and prevent problems from occurring,” Dr. Rusizana explained.
He emphasises that there are several reasons as to why men are gynecologists.

"I would also like to include that male gynecologists do not ‘get off’ on examining their female patients. They are professionals who became doctors to help people,” he added.
