‘Shem’s Idle Notes’: Top Ten Male Regrets

Continued from last Saturday…No.4 Being a workaholicNobody is saying that working is bad, or that your career isn't important. But, there is life besides work. And what you will remember most when you are an old man is all that time that you spent indoors working, when you could have been doing something that you like doing. Whatever job you do, you can always spare time to pursue a hobby, a sport or just to relax.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Continued from last Saturday…

No.4 Being a workaholic

Nobody is saying that working is bad, or that your career isn't important. But, there is life besides work. And what you will remember most when you are an old man is all that time that you spent indoors working, when you could have been doing something that you like doing. Whatever job you do, you can always spare time to pursue a hobby, a sport or just to relax.

There are many things you can only do when you're young, and work is not one of them. Someday you're going to wish you had tried out something you could have only done in your youth!

No.3 Ignoring your health

Smoking, drinking and everything else you shrug off because you're young will catch up with you later. It doesn't matter how physically fit you are if you have bad health habits like junk food and alcohol and cigarettes. What you look like in the mirror doesn't necessarily reflect your actual health at all.

These invisible effects are insidious -- instead of gradually noticing that you're getting fat and deciding to change, you may just be told one day that your liver is broken, and by that time whatever change you do make is going to be too little, too late. So, watch your health while you are still healthy.

No.2 Not spending enough time with dad

If you are still lucky to have your dad around, use the opportunity to spend time with him. Regardless of your relationship with him, he is still your father.

His position in your life is unique, and therefore he is a unique influence on your life, whether you realize it or not. And, he's not going to be here forever. Make the best of the time you do have with him.

No.1 Not going after the hot girl

See that hot girl? Just go for her. If you try, you stand a chance of getting her. And even if you don’t, the worst that could happen to you is; NOTHING! You still end up in the same spot you were before as if you never tried at all.

If you don't even try, the worst-case scenario is that you spend the rest of your life wondering what might have been if you'd just manned up and gone for it. Too sad a thing to regret for the rest of your life, huh!
