Would you halt your wedding if you discovered your fiancée lied about having a secret child?

“As much as stopping a wedding on its eve would create suspicion, I can never afford to marry someone I have discovered is a lair. I would suspend it until further notice.”Dodos Kayitankore, Businessman in Kigali.

Thursday, March 31, 2011
L-R: Dodos Kayitankore;Bruce Mushamba;Latifa Akimana; Aristide Shumbusho

"As much as stopping a wedding on its eve would create suspicion, I can never afford to marry someone I have discovered is a lair. I would suspend it until further notice.”

Dodos Kayitankore, Businessman in Kigali.

"I cannot stop my wedding just because of something that happened before I even met this lady. Well, keeping a child as a secret is not good but it should not affect my relationship to that extent.”

Bruce Mushamba, Private Sector.

"It is quite a challenging situation to make a perfect decision, and for that matter, I would make consultations and call an immediate meeting between members of the two families to get a right decision on how to solve this issue.”

Latifa Akimana, Chief Editor Kinyarwanda News, Radio Rwanda.

 "I would suspend the wedding and have it at a later date. This will give me time to make up my mind on what to do about our marriage.”

Aristide Shumbusho, Freelance Cameraman.
