Bridal showers

Bridal showers are not a time when brides-to-be shower before walking down the aisle, as one male colleague stated. A bridal shower is a gift-giving party held for a bride-to-be in anticipation of her wedding day. Usually the mother in law, sisters in law, friends and workmates organize the bridal shower.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bridal showers are not a time when brides-to-be shower before walking down the aisle, as one male colleague stated.

A bridal shower is a gift-giving party held for a bride-to-be in anticipation of her wedding day. Usually the mother in law, sisters in law, friends and workmates organize the bridal shower. It’s during the bridal shower that married women advise the bride-to-be about marriage.

Jidia Gasana, an engineer at MTN, is getting married on March 19, 2011 and her friends and colleagues organized a bridal shower and she had a lot to say.

"I didn’t known what happens at a bridal shower but mine proved something I never expected. First you discover that although you’re starting a new life, there are friends to see you through. Although I’m scared of the life I’m going to start, I now know there are people who will help me achieve it and those are friends and relatives,” Gasana said.

Adeline Muhoza, Public Relations Officer of King Faisal Hospital said that her bridal shower was a little different from the one she attended.

"Although mine was combined with my cousin sister’s, it was more spiritual, we got time to make a few jokes and asked questions about marriage. My relatives and friends such as sisters and married relatives advised, prayed for us so that our marriages could be blessed,” Muhoza said.

During the party, play games such as brain teasers; they could be about the life of the bride-to-be, for instance her favorites or how she met the groom-to-be so as to hype up the occasion. However it’s important to select games that suit everyone at the party.

Bridal showers should be memorable and organized a week prior to the wedding day.