Audia Intore gears up for ‘Uri Mwiza Mama’ album launch
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Audia Intore

After promising her fans an album, Gakondo singer Alice Diane Uwimana, commonly known as Audia Intore will soon deliver her first album ‘Uri Mwiza Mama’ on March 8 at Expo Ground, Gakondo.

The vocalist, who has been performing traditional music in the Gakondo genre for the past 12 years, is getting ready to rock the house during her debut album launch. She claims that the album name "Uri Mwiza," which also has a song of the same title, has a significant meaning in her life and that she chose to convey it via art.

"I lost my mother at a time when I just was enjoying her company. I composed the song to urge people, especially young people, to treasure their ties with their mothers because I know how beautiful it is to have a mother and how painful it is to lose her. In Gakondo, we also have mother-figures who have been doing the genre for a long time and that is why I collaborated with some of them for the album launch,” she said.

Audia Intore will headline the concert alongside Mariya Yohana, Suzane Nyiranyamibwa, Sofia Nzayisenga, Cyusa n’Inkera and Iganze Cultural Group.

She said attendees could anticipate the show being distinctive and full of surprises as she promised a new record. All I can offer my fans, she says is the happiness that they deserve and I will do that. I implore my fellow artistes to broaden their horizons and collaborate with poets so that we won't be poor in our own language and may maintain our individuality.

"To my music fans keep showing me love as they never cease to and I love them as always,” added Audia Intore.

Tickets to the concert are available at RWF 5000 regular, RWF 10000 VIP, RWF 25000 VVIP and RWF 150000 a table of 6 people. Doors will open at 4pm.

The songs on the album comprises of five songs which are already out ‘Uri Mwiza Mama’, ‘ Sine Ya Mwiza’, ‘ Rwangabo’, ‘ Simbi Ryange’ and ‘ Umutoni’ while the remaining songs will only be made public at the album release.

The sixth-born in the family of seven, Audia is the first in her family to sing traditional music, the Gakondo genre. She started singing traditional music in her final year of high school, even when she did not know that she had the talent.

Audia is known for five songs that have become household names including, "Sine ya mwiza”, "Urungano”, "Umugozi umwe”, "Berwa”, and "Uri mwiza mama.”