When one is living; there are many twists and turns, ups and downs in life. This happens throughout the living period of any human being, irrespective of the gender, age, race or nationality. There are happy periods or sad periods; there is a period of success or failure. But how does one respond to it or pass that period depends on the mental make up and attitude of the person.

Friday, March 11, 2011

When one is living; there are many twists and turns, ups and downs in life. This happens throughout the living period of any human being, irrespective of the gender, age, race or nationality.

There are happy periods or sad periods; there is a period of success or failure. But how does one respond to it or pass that period depends on the mental make up and attitude of the person.
Apart from a clear time of misery or joy, there are intermediate periods also. Interpretation of this is variable from one person to another.

While some people would remain calm under all circumstances, majority get perturbed over small issues.
It is not only real troubles but even imaginary  troubles that lands them into anxiety and all related features of anxiety, i.e. trembling, sweating, dryness of mouth, e.t.c. Even with joyous events happening around, they tend to think negatively and remain unhappy.

Such people need to change their attitude towards life. Hard work, determination, luck, circumstances all are important in determining how much successful one can become. But more important than this is their attitude towards life.

The persons keeping a positive attitude are able to change their adverse circumstances in to favorable one or make the best use of adverse state of affairs.
There is a story about a middle aged man who lost a job suddenly unexpectedly.

He thought of this as a God given opportunity and started a small business with whatever savings he had.

It took some time but he never lost courage or his faith in God. Ultimately he succeeded and became a successful  businessman.

This   story shows us how much a positive attitude towards life helps us to overcome obstacles.
First off all, one should have a clear goal or some ambition in life.  It is not good to drift with time like a piece of wood in water.

After that, there has to be a clear plan to obtain that goal. If one works so in a determined manner, he will definitely climb high up in the ladder of life. He may not reach up to the top but still will land on the few higher steps.

Whatever comes in the way should be taken calmly. Instead of getting panicky, one should try to think coolly as to how any disturbance or set back can be rectified. Training the mind in such a way helps in   correct decision making  by an individual.

A decision correctly made determines the outcome of any work.It is important to know how to develop such a positive attitude towards life. One should know that, "Life”, itself is the greatest gift given by God to man. Nothing else matters till one is alive.

If life remains, one can correct many mistakes and accomplish many things. Hence any event that does not threaten life should not disturb much the calm of a person. Reading good literature also helps in elevating the mind set of an individual.

Tales of grit and determination, of bravery and valor certainly stimulate the mind in a positive way. Spending some time in company of   successful senior citizens is also useful. One can very well learn much from their experiences and their approach towards those experiences in their lives.
Religion plays a very important role in building up a positive outlook towards life. It helps one to keep a cool mind in face of difficulty.

Those who are believers suffer less from anxiety and stress in face of adversity as compared to non believers. Because they have somebody dependable to depend upon in need in the form of God.  

Fasting and other rituals of any religion help to strengthen the determination of a person.
But let me clarify here. Believing in God does not mean that one does nothing   and sits idle.

Remember, "God helps those who help themselves”.  After putting in all possible efforts, one should leave the outcome to the will of the almighty.
One’s sincere efforts never go to waste.

They will definitely result in success though the time may vary.Therefore think of how to develop a positive attitude towards life. This does not happen overnight but one can start today to have a positive mindset and determination.